Administration of Dunfermline Athetic
Administration of Dunfermline Athetic
Posted April 8, 2013
Administration of Dunfermline Athletic FC
The club will rank as an unsecured creditor in the administration of Dunfermline Athletic FC for a sum in excess of £4,000. The administrator Bryan Jackson of BDO has now asked us to submit our claim. We are pleased to report that Dunfermline fans have sent in funds of around £600 to our club in order to help their club honour this debt. One fan indeed sent us a cheque for £500. Cowdenbeath FC much appreciates the actions of these Pars fans.
In addition, with the assistance of our good friends at Dunfermline Jim Leishman and Kenny Arnott, if all goes to plan we will host some Pars fans at Tuesday’s match v Livingston with any gate money received via this initiative going towards meeting the outstanding debt. Jim and Kenny have both provided help to Cowdenbeath in the past.
To be clear, the process is that Cowdenbeath FC will rank for the full sum due to the Administrator. The monies raised via these other avenues will be set off as security pro tem pending resolution of the claim. We anticipate that we will then only receive so many pence in the pound towards the outstanding debt due to CFC from the Administration process. Once that has concluded, we can apply these other funds to defray at least some of the loss. In a case where we actually were fully paid via the Administrator or ended up with more funds in total (unlikely as it may be) than are due to us then we would make arrangements to repay the Dunfermline supporters by some suitable means.
Dunfermline fans should enter via the Chapel Street turnstiles so they can be separately accounted for.
We of course are also due at East End Park shortly for what is Fife’s oldest derby fixture. Let’s see a strong Cowden support. Doubtless there will be a bit of banter but we have been fast friends and deadly rivals now for 128 years. Fans may sometimes sing that they hate the Pars but hey that’s just fitba. Fifers, especially those of us from mining stock here in Cowdenbeath, set great store in neeborliness.