The weekly Blue Brazil Lottery draw took place on 13th December 2019 at Bay Travel, Cowdenbeath and the winning numbers were 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 10 - 12.
The Jackpot was £2,700. There was no Jackpot winner this week and so next week's Jackpot will be £2,800.
There were 10 winners of the £100 booby each winning £10 and they were :
George Taggart x 2 and Ian Williamson (Online), Stewart Farmer (Nicola Drysdale), Yvonne Goodall (The Munch Box), R Wilson (Wee Jimmies), Tam McDonald (Alex Haddow) and William Fairlie, Angie and Ann Kinnell (Beath Bargain Store).
Next week's draw will take place in The Silver Birch, Cowdenbeath on Friday 20th December 2019 at 12 noon.