Save the date! On Monday 17th October, Cowdenbeath FC is hosting a meeting for fans of the club at the Junction Bar – kick off time will be 7pm. This will be the first in a series of regular consultations with our supporters – as essentially a fan run club dialogue and engagement with you all is really vital. These meetings will be relatively informal but also informative. They will allow for a proper 2-way conversation where we can answer any questions you may have and update you on the latest developments at Central Park on and off the field plus additionally benefit from your input. Club personnel in attendance on the 17th will include a couple of our local Directors as well as our new Football Operations Co-ordinator (Colin Nelson).
These are times of change and there are challenges to be faced. Working together really is key to building the club’s future – you will already have seen many fans increasingly involved in new roles at Central Park this season.
So please do come along – any Cowden fan is welcome be they club shareholder, season ticket holder, 100 Club member, a Blue Brazil Bonus Ball participant, Club 135, a volunteer at the club, etc - let’s have your views and ideas and at the same time you can get some honest and open replies to those burning questions you may have – we see lots of issues highlighted on social media so be there on the night and get your answers straight from the horse’s mouth!